Support Our Work
Your contribution enables Disability Ministry Network (DMN) to support the ongoing movement to include and welcome persons with disabilities into Christian churches.
DMN is a network to encourage, enable, and support denominational agencies, para-church organizations, individual consultants, and educational institutions which provide the direct resources to congregations.
Donations can be received as either personal donations or as contributions from an organizations. If a donation comes from an organization, please check the box indicated and fill in the name of the organization.
Disability Ministry Network is nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code in the United States. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.
Any donation amount is appreciated. Choose one of the preset amounts or designate a customized amount.
DMN uses Zeffy to process and record payments as well as automatically send receipts. You can pay via credit card or ACH (automatic transfer from your financial institution). With Zeffy, 100% of your donation goes to DMN with no fees subtracted. In turn, each donor is given the opportunity to make a voluntary donation to help Zeffy continue to provide this service.
If you wish to send a paper check, you may send it directly to:
Disability Ministry Network
c/o Elizabeth S. Golik
35811 Wyndemere Way
Avon, OH 44011