Disability Ministry Network
Promoting Inclusive Congregational Ministries for People with Disabilities

About Us
Disability Ministry Network is a network of denominational and para-church organizations who promote inclusive congregational ministries for and with people with disabilities, their families, friends, and caregivers. The scope and focus of the Network is on Christian ministries primarily within the United States, but connections are welcomed with those who share this mission in other countries.
Join Us
Disability Ministry Network (DMN) is made up of member organizations who serve local congregations by providing resources to advance accessibility and inclusion in the life of the church. Member organizations can be denominational agencies, para-church organizations, seminaries, or consultants who provide resources to local congregations to include persons with disabilities. If you believe you may qualify for membership in Disability Ministry Network, please review the Membership Page and fill out the online membership application form.
Have unique needs?
Our member organizations have solutions that can help! DMN welcomes churches, individuals, and groups looking for assistance to gather information on DMN’s website and make contact with one or more of DMN’s member organizations who may be able to assist you in specific ways.

“Working to grow a ministry nationally is a uniquely challenging job. Being part of the DMN means peer-to-peer support, and the constant encouragement that others are asking similar questions and can pray together. Connecting through the Network helps us shift the national culture of church in positive ways for people of all abilities.“
Victoria White
With Ministries
“Many denominational and parachurch disability ministries are operating with small staff and budgets. It is wonderful to be in conversation with colleagues who are also doing disability inclusion and advocacy work in the church. We can support each other to elevate our ministries, in order to better serve our congregations and church members.“
Jeanne Davies
Anabaptist Disabilities Network

Volunteer-Led Organization
In this initial phase of Disability Ministry Network (DMN), leadership is provided through personnel, financial and in-kind contributions, and service on the Board and Committees who carry on the work of DMN.
Current Committees are as follows: Budget and Fundraising, Communications (including website and social media), Membership, Program.