
Disability Ministry Network (DMN) is made up of member organizations who serve local congregations by providing resources to advance accessibility and inclusion in the life of the church. Member organizations can be denominational agencies, para-church organizations, seminaries, or consultants who provide resources to local congregations to include persons with disabilities.

Visit the Who We Are section for further information on the vision, mission, and bylaws of DMN.

Current members of Disability Ministry Network.

If your organization fits the description above and is interested in joining Disability Ministry Network, please go to the Membership Application page and fill out the form there.

DMN relies on the in-kind and financial contribution of members and friends of the network. Please see the donation form below or go to the Donate page to make either a personal or organizational contribution online.


Support Disability Ministry Network with your donation today!

Disability Ministry Network is a nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service code in the United States. All donations are tax deductible as permitted by law.

Photo by Ability Ministry on Disability Is Beautiful